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The Challenge

The Challenge

Child care is essential, but not accessible in San Diego County

Despite research showing time and time again that child care is essential in the development of our children and for the employment of their parents, child care is scarce and expensive in San Diego County.

The members of the Children First Collective know that progress will be made only when elected officials, public servants, and those in power in general prioritize child care.
A child leaps in the air trying to catch a bubble

Learn More about the impacts of child care and the opportunity in San Diego for collective caregiving.

By the numbers

Our region's child care system isn't a set of numbers and figures

It's real people like yourself trying to make a living and raise a family in San Diego.

But the data doesn't lie -- parents, workers, providers and employers all shoulder a lot when it comes to child care.

Take a look for yourself.


The average percentage of their income that a family in San Diego with two young children spends on child care.


Average wage for a child care worker in San Diego County in 2021.


Average annual cost of infant care in San Diego


Of parents say it's challenging to find reliable child care.

Hear from people closest to the crisis

The parents of many young children find it challenging to find accessible child care in our region.

Dedicated child care providers are underpaid and leaving the profession, causing a staffing crisis.

Our children lack the nurturing, consistent, stimulating care and education they need to thrive.

Even employers are unsure where to turn for support, advice and systems to create family-friendly policy and child care support systems, or lack the resources to do so.

Watch a short video that breaks down how this impacts all of us

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We support local artists and thank Hanna Gundrum for bringing loving illustrations to our work.

CFC Brand Development produced by our PB&J Fellows in partnership with the Nectar Digital Collaborative.

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