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Mental and behavioral health support

Families need access to robust mental and behavioral health supports

With a 25% increase in anxiety and depression, families must be able to access consistent, quality mental and behavioral health services.

The CDC advises "Adverse childhood experiences can have long-term negative impacts on health, opportunity and well-being."

With a no-wrong-door approach to referrals and on-going support, we can shift from working in silos to a continuum of care.
About Adverse Childhood Experiences (CDC)
A drawing of a mother and child panda embracing

Children First Collective is a committed partner to the mental and behavioral health sector

A consistent need we hear from parents and child care providers alike is the need for comprehensive and coordinated resources and services for children with developmental, behavioral, and mental health needs, driving our advocacy for these investments locally.

We actively advocate for the prioritization of services and supports for children ages 0-5, their parents, families, and caregivers.
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We support local artists and thank Hanna Gundrum for bringing loving illustrations to our work.

CFC Brand Development produced by our PB&J Fellows in partnership with the Nectar Digital Collaborative.

Website powered by Uptown 11 Studios
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